Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Party is what you make it!

Well straight off of a Disney trip and into another great weekend.  This one started with the Submarine Birthday Ball.   The Sub Ball (yes it was a decent time) was held at the New Sanno Hotel in Tokyo.

But first...for those who don't know, we came out here with the mis-guided, ill-coincieved notion that we would get a house on Yokosuka itself relatively quickly.  The command was supposed to help out, not so much, and then sequestration slowing down transfers and moves has put off our hopes of getting a house on Yokosuka until late summer.  We just hope it happens by then so that the kids will start the next school year in the new house.

Don't get me wrong, Ikego housing isn't that bad.  It actually has some perks over Yokosuka.  It is away from the main base, it has easier access to the trains and it has some great trails and walks.  The main detractor is that it is a 30 minute commute to base.  If you have a car, no problem.  We only bought one car initially because we expected to be on base and would only need one car.  If you don't have a car you are tied to an extremely limited bus schedule, or the daily train.  After giving it the old college try, Essayons for all my Norwich buddies, we caved and bought a second car.

THANK GOD.  Talk about freedom!  This coupled with wearing a flight suit to work has given me hope that we can get through this tour!  The Japan experience is great, the job...we'll leave that for a separate post if it doesn't turn around soon.

Okay so the Submarine Birthday Ball, this proud service which for many years of my career has been a target, has honorably turned 113 year old and even invited me (sort of) to attend the festivities.  For those who thought the zany pre-ball pictures of Amie and me were done when we left Florida...the traditional lives on!

For some reason I felt it necessary to represent my own service and decided I'd go full pilot.  For reference, one should never go full pilot!  It started in the admin room, with shots of Captain Morgans and Patron, hosted by the only other pilot in the command who was actually the overall coordinator for the night.  Great Job Dan!  To my credit, my vision wasn't blurry at this point!  Amie is smiling because despite my best efforts I wasn't the loudest goon of the evening.  Special thanks to Brian, our Intel guy, for that one!  Amie actually looked at me at one point, and in a loving, proud voice said,

"Oh honey, you're not the loud guy tonight."
Oh well maybe next year.

The entertainment of the evening, after a lengthy but interesting guest speaker, was varied.  First off, there is always one guy who thinks he still fits into his Ensign issue cumber bun.  The strength of the cumber bun stitching is phenomenal (glad Amie caught a photo of this marvel of technology)!

Following this feat of strength but before before Amie and I started dancing... 

were the Traditional Japanese drummers.  This clip is only about 30 seconds of a 4 minute session!


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